
ESCHE Partners and Associates are again honoured as Germany's Best Lawyers 2023 by Handelsblatt and Best Lawyers

Based on a comprehensive survey of Best Lawyers, Handelsblatt has once again honoured the best lawyers in Germany in the Best Lawyers Ranking 2023.

The following ESCHE lawyers are Best Lawyers 2023:

Dr Patrizia Chwalisz: Labour Law
Dr Andreas von Criegern: Real Estate Law 
Martin Dieckmann: Public commercial law
Jan Christian Eggers: Antitrust and competition law, public commercial law and regulation
Dr Philipp Engelhoven: Antitrust and competition law
Dr Christian Hoppe: Labour law
Dr Klaus Kamlah: Corporate law
Dr Ralf Möller: Intellectual property law
Dr Erwin Salamon: Labour law
Hanna Wiedenhaus: Antitrust and competition law
In addition, the Lawyers of the Future were once again recognised this year. This award honours lawyers who have distinguished themselves in their young careers through special achievements.

The following ESCHE lawyers are Lawyers of the Future 2023:

Greta Groffy: Labour Law
Julian Leucht: IP law 
 Carolin Linusson-Brandt: Labour law, company pension schemes, litigation

We are delighted with these awards and would like to thank all clients who took part in the survey.