
Top rankings for ESCHE

The business magazine brand eins has named us one of the best commercial law firms in Germany in 2023 in the areas of labour law, corporate law, antitrust and competition law, tax law and environmental, water and wastewater law. In the overall ranking, we received 4 out of 4 stars again this year. The list of the best is based on a survey of a total of 2495 lawyers and in-house lawyers. You can find the complete ranking in the current issue of brand eins (10th edition, May 2023 - July 2023) and online under "The best commercial law firms in Germany".

In addition, we were listed in the 20/2023 issue of WirtschaftsWoche as "TOP Law Firm 2023" in the area of corporate law. Dr Stephan Bauer and Dr Sebastian Garbe are mentioned by name as TOP lawyers. The Handelsblatt Research Institute (HRI) surveyed more than 5,600 lawyers from 292 law firms. Further information on WirtschaftsWoche and the Handelsblatt Research Institute can be found at and