Beatrix Arlitt
Certified Auditor, Tax Advisor
Languages: German, English
Personal Details
- Ruhr-University Bochum, Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn (1992 Dipl.-Volkswirtin)
- 2001 CPA (Certified Public Accountant), exam in New Hampshire/USA
- over 20 years of "Big Four" experience (PwC, Deloitte)
- Audit of individual and consolidated financial statements according to HGB, IFRS and US-GAAP
- Advice to capital market-oriented companies (including compliance)
- Reorganization expert opinions (IDW S6) and certification according to § 270b InsO (German Insolvency Code)
- Due Diligence
- Company valuation
Industry Focus
- Mechanical Engineering
- Telecommunications
- Shipyards
- Shipping companies
- Trade
- Foundations
- Leasing